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I met Michele out networking and immediately wanted to know more about Ruby Ribbon.  Finding the perfect bra/cami is like finding the perfect purse!  It is difficult because all women are built differently and have different requirements.  Michele was gracious and worked around my schedule and the distance between us.  I was nervous it would be uncomfortable; however, that emotion quickly dissipated when Michele showed up.  Her kindness and gentle spirit as perfect!  I met her at a boutique where she had already arranged for us to mee so she could measure me.  I love Ruby Ribbon products!  They do not disappoint!  And neither does Michele!


~Derlene H.

  St Louis MO

Just want to give thanks, a big shout out and props to the awesome Michele Petralia for taking care of"my girls" LOL!!

She is a bra fitter extraordinaire and will measure you correctly, find the right fit for you in store or online, and will work with you to custom fit your style, comfort, and what's best for you! She is awesome, passionate about what she does, compassionate and discreet. She is private under any circumstances and all heart. ( and the only one I know who does what she does) !!


  Tampa, Florida

I was a first time shopping customer with Michele.  I must say that I received the most outstanding courteous service from her.  I told her at the start of our conversation that I was blind and that I would need help.  However, I let her know that I had my girlfriend of 40 years who also custom tailors some of my purchases and she would be there to assist us.  Michele was prepared to go shopping with my girlfriend and I.  I am so happy to have met her and to have had the experience of my own personal shopper, shopping on-line with my girlfriends by telephone....who does this with visual impaired women.  I described exactly what I was looking for and my style preferences and she found several items in various styles to describe to me and have my girlfriend to pull up on-line for me. I am very happy working with her.  She had a lot of patience and is very talented and knowledgeable.  She truly cares about her customers to the extent that she will move mountains for them to find what they are looking for.

~Michele H.



Michele Petralia

Your Bra Guru




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